Having spent the best part of a week in the saddle, we changed direction completely and boarded the Sagitta for our seven-day voyage around the Galapagos Islands. Take it from me – it was just breathtaking.

The islands are not just a national park, they are also a World Heritage Site. About 70% of the wildlife there is endemic and totally fearless. I can confidently say that we had the best insight into totally unspoiled marine and bird life that you could ever imagine.

It’s hardly surprising that the local guides are very protective of their environment. As there are so many different species of wildlife on the islands and so many of them have very few inhibitions, we were able to get up, close and personal.

Needless to say, I have photo albums literally dripping with pictures on my bookshelves at home and they all bring amazing memories to life. Perhaps my fondest memory of my trip to these islands is sitting on beach rocks, completely alone, and watching three baby sea lions coming out of the water. They didn’t just come up on to the rocks. They came and sat on my legs and lapped at the sea. We are told never to touch the animals. But if they touch you, that’s OK. I am proud to say that, at Steppes Travel, we have had many such encounters.

Thanks for reading

Author: Steppes Travel