
What do you see? The opportunity is nowhere? Or, do you see it as, the opportunity is now here?

We all see the world differently. That is not a bad thing.

I’m lucky enough to have travelled a lot. It is a privilege I do not take for granted. With every country visited, I learn something new. With every country visited, I meet different peoples. I become less ignorant. I become curious.

I learn that underneath the cultural differences of dress, location and religion, we want the same things: stability and education for our children; we care about the same things: friends and family; we laugh about the same things. I learn that we are not so different. Everyone is unique and individual – and we should take the time to see people as such.

Yes, the people of North Korea live under a regime that curtails their freedom. It is one of those countries in which you don’t start a question with “Why”. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they agree with the regime.

Once in Sudan, I was accused of supporting the Iraq War because I am British. I had to explain that I did not vote for the then government and I even marched against the war. I didn’t like being judged because of my government. And in the same way, people around the world don’t want you to judge them based on their government.

Travel gives us a different sense of perspective. We see life and scenarios through the eyes of others. Travel challenges us to let go of what we are certain of. Travel encourages us to understand and appreciate the differences between us.

We live with billions of others on our planet. We have much to learn from each other. Much to share and much to celebrate. We should embrace how different we are.

Next time:

“If you need to ask the question, you will never understand the answer.”

Thanks for reading

Justin Wateridge

Author: Justin Wateridge